〒461-8721 名古屋市東区白壁五丁目3番地
代表取締役社長 盛田 淳夫
個人情報の管理は、厳重に行うこととし、次に掲げる場合を除き、利用者の同意がない限り、第三者に対しデータを開示・提供することはいたしません。 また、安全性を考慮し、個人情報への不正アクセス、個人情報の紛失、破壊、改ざん及び漏えい等のリスクに対する予防並びに是正に関する対策を講じます。
敷島製パン株式会社 お客さまお問合せ窓口
TEL: 0120-084-835
Mail: info@pasconet.co.jp
Our Privacy Policy
At Pasco Shikishima Corporation, we fully understand the importance and social significance of protecting your personal information and have designed this Privacy Policy to safeguard your privacy. We instruct our management and employees about the importance of protecting personal information and thoroughly implement the policy to ensure that personal information is securely maintained and managed.
Article 1. Company Name, Address, and Representative
Pasco Shikishima Corporation
5-3 Shirakabe, Higashi-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 461-8721, Japan
Atsuo Morita, President & CEO
Article 2. Personal Information
The term “personal information” is as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003) and shall refer to information about a living individual which can identify the specific individual by name, date of birth, or other description contained in such information or which contains an individual identification code.
Article 3. Acquisition and Use of Personal Information
We acquire your personal information and use the acquired information to the extent necessary for the following purposes. We will not use your personal information beyond the scope of the purpose of use unless we obtain your prior consent by appropriate means.
(1)To develop and improve the quality of products and services to reflect the opinions you provide
(2)To answer your inquiries (including verifying your identity)
(3)To deliver mail-order products and provide information on new products, services, promotions, and events
(4)To update you about our products, promotions, and other services (including sending email, leaflets, and other direct mail)
(5)To request your cooperation in questionnaires, interviews, etc. regarding our products and services and participation in various events, or to report outcomes, findings, etc.
(6)To enable you to view, modify, or delete your registered information or view your usage status
(7)To identify users who violate the terms of use or who intend to use this service for fraudulent or unjustifiable purposes, and refuse use by such users
Article 4. Management and Protection of Personal Information
Personal information that you provide will be managed appropriately and will not be disclosed or provided to a third party without your consent, except in the cases below. In addition, for safety reasons, we will take preventive and corrective measures in response to risks including unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information.
(1)When it is necessary to protect a human life, body, or fortune, and obtaining user approval proves difficult
(2)When it is specifically necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children, and obtaining user approval proves difficult
(3)When there is a need to cooperate in regard to a central government body or a local government performing affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and when there is a possibility that getting consent from the user would interfere with the performance of said affairs
(4)When entrusting all or part of personal information processing within the scope of use to ensure smooth business operation
(5)When personal information is provided when business is succeeded due to a merger or other circumstance
(6)When you are notified in advance or a state has been in place where you can easily know that your personal information will be jointly used with a specific entity, the items that will be jointly used, the scope of entities with which personal information will be jointly used, the purpose of use, and the name of the person or entity responsible for the management of personal information
(7)When permitted by other laws and regulations
Article 5. Consignment of Personal Information Processing
We may consign all or part of personal information processing to a third party to the extent necessary for achieving the purpose of use of the personal information. In this case, we will fully examine the eligibility of the outsourced agent, establish agreements related to the protection of personal information, and exercise appropriate supervision of the contractor.
Article 6. Disclosure of Personal Information
We will disclose personal information to the user without delay at the request of the user. However, we may not disclose the personal information in whole or in part if the disclosure falls under any of the following. If we decide not to disclose the data, we will notify you to that effect without delay.
(1)When disclosure could harm the life, body, fortune, or other rights or interests of the user or a third party
(2)When disclosure could cause significant impediment to the proper execution of our business
(3)When disclosure would violate other laws and regulations
Article 7. Correction and Deletion of Personal Information
1. If the personal information retained by our company is incorrect, we will correct or delete the personal information in accordance with our procedures at the request of the user.
2. If we receive your request as set forth in the preceding paragraph and determine that it is necessary to respond, we will correct or delete the personal information without delay and notify you to that effect.
Article 8. Suspension of Use, etc. of Personal Information
When the user requests the suspension or deletion of the use of personal information as applicable to the cases specified in the following items, we will conduct necessary investigations without delay, and based on the investigation results, suspend the use of personal information in accordance with laws and regulations, and notify you to that effect. However, if there is a large cost for suspending the use of personal information, or if it is difficult to suspend the use of personal information, and if necessary alternative measures can be taken to protect the rights and interests of the user, we will take this alternative.
(1)When personal information is handled beyond the scope of the purpose of use
(2)When personal information was acquired by fraudulent means
(3)When personal information is used in a way that may promote or incite illegal or unjust acts
(4)When we no longer need to use your personal information
(5)When personal information including sensitive personal information has been or may have been leaked, lost, or damaged (“Breach”)
(6)When a personal information Breach that may cause property damage due to unauthorized use has occurred or may have occurred
(7)When a personal information Breach that may have been done for fraudulent purposes has occurred or is likely to have occurred
(8)When the number of persons related to the personal information Breach has exceeded or is likely to exceed 1,000
(9)When the handling of personal information could infringe on the rights of the user
Article 9. Changes to Our Privacy Policy
We will review the contents of this policy from time to time and strive to improve it. The contents of this policy may change except for laws, regulations, and other special matters stipulated in this policy. The updated privacy policy shall take effect from the time the user is notified by the method prescribed by our company or when it is posted on our website.
Article 10. Compliance with Laws, Norms, and Regulations
We will comply with all Japanese laws, norms, and regulations applicable to personal information held by our company.
Article 11. Complaints and Consultation
We will respond appropriately and promptly to complaints and consultations as well as to requests to disclose, correct, add, delete, or refuse use or sharing of personal information.
Article 12. Inquiries
Please contact us below for inquiries concerning the handling of personal information.
Pasco Shikishima Corporation
Customer Service Email: info@pasconet.co.jp
Enacted and enforced in March 2005
Revised in March 2022
敷岛面包株式会社(以下简称“本公司”。) 认识到个人信息保护的重要性与社会性,针对个人信息处理问题,制定了个人信息保护政策,构建个人信息保护机制,一方面在全体员工中普及个人信息保护的重要性,同时彻底贯彻措施,促进个人信息的保护。
董事长 盛田 淳夫
(2)为了回答来自顾客的咨询(包括验证身份); (3)为了邮购业务的送货以及提供有关新产品、新服务、促销和活动的信息; (4)为了介绍本公司提供的其他服务信息,如本公司提供的商品更新信息、促销活动等(包括发送电子邮件、传单及其他广告邮件); (5)为了就产品和服务要求配合问卷调查、访谈等,参加各种活动,或报告活动结果。 (6)为了方便顾客查阅、更改、删除本人注册信息及查阅使用情况。 (7)为了识别违反使用条款的用户,排查为虚假或违法目的而使用本服务的用户,并拒绝其使用本服务。
(2)为了改善公共卫生或促进儿童的健康发展的特别需要,且难以获得用户的同意时; (3)当国家机关、地方政府或受其委托的个人或机构执行法令规定的事务,对此有必要提供合作,且获得用户的同意会妨碍该事务的实施时; (4)为了顺利开展业务,在达成使用目的所必需的范围内,把个人信息的处理工作全部或部分外包时; (5)因合并或其他原因,随着业务的交接而提供个人信息时; (6)与特定方共同使用个人信息时,将把共同使用的个人信息项目、共同使用者的范围、使用者的使用目的以及对该个人信息负责的责任人的姓名或名称事先通知用户,或确保用户不费周折便可知晓这些情况; (7)其他受到法令认可的情况。
如果用户要求本公司公开个人信息,本公司将立即向用户公开。 但是,如果公开的信息属于以下任何一种情况,本公司可以选择不公开全部或部分信息,当作出了不公开信息的决定时,本公司将立即通知用户。
(2)有可能严重干扰本公司业务的正常开展时; (3)判断违反其他法律时。
如果用户提出,因符合以下列举的各项情况,要求停止使用或删除个人信息(以下简称 “停止使用等”。)时,本公司将立即进行必要的调查,并根据调查结果,依法停止该个人信息的使用等,并将此情况通知用户。但是,当停止个人信息的使用等涉及高额费用或因其他问题而难以暂停使用个人信息时,如果可以采取替代措施来保护用户的权利和利益,将采取该替代措施。
(2)属于通过非法手段获取的个人信息时; (3)信息的使用方式有可能助长或诱发非法或不当行为时; (4)本公司不再需要使用用户的个人信息时; (5)含有个人敏感信息的个人信息的泄露、丢失或损坏(以下简称 “泄露等”。)已经发生或有可能发生时; (6)个人信息的泄漏已经发生或可能发生,该信息如果被非正当使用,有可能造成财产损失时; (7)因非法目的而进行个人信息泄漏或可能泄露时; (8)已经发生或有可能发生个人信息泄露等涉及人数超过1000人以上时; (9)用户的权利或合法利益可能会因处理该个人信息而受到损害时。
敷岛面包株式会社 咨询窗口